Today we’re going to be talking about something that I know many people are struggling with...

I see it in the comments of our Facebook Tribe.

I see it on the mats everyday,

I even see it off of the mats in everyday life,

And that is the struggle of having weak cardio.

If you’re one of those people who gasses out easily,

Who gets tired after the warm ups,

Who can barely last a few 5 minute rounds,

Then you’re going to want to pay attention very closely.

Because we are going to talk about 3 ays to boost your cardio (WITHOUT doing more cardio).

Without running hours on end on the treadmill,

Without wearing those oxygen training masks,

Without doing all those things that you really don’t want to do.

What we focus on with MovNat is efficiency.

Getting the MOST of the growth with the LEAST amount of energy.

Are you familiar with Pareto’s Law?

Pareto’s Law is about getting 80% of the results with 20% of the effort.

That’s what we focus on, that’s what we do.

I see most people doing this backwards though.

Most people are doing 80% of the work to get 20% of the results.

They overwork and they under-recover,

They get gassed out and they can’t keep up,

They don’t progress as quickly as they could and they get stressed out,

This leads to fatigue every single day, waking up tired, not having the energy to go train,

Eventually they get burnt out from trying too hard until they ultimately get injured or have to quit.

ALL because they are acting on this principle in reverse.

They are doing too much work and not getting enough results.

People quit because they don’t have the cardio day-to-day,

So they don’t have the endurance to last.

And that’s what we all want, isn’t it?

The ability to last, the ability to endure.

To sustain our practice, so we can do move and play well into our 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and beyond.

And that’s what we’re going to cover right now, the 3 Ways to Boost Your Cardio so you can do that.



Now, you may be asking, 'What does your mindset have to do with your cardio?'

What does your mindset have to do with everything? Everything starts in your mind.

We talked about this the other day when we discovered “What’s Really Holding You Back”.

Everything is 80% mindset.

So if you’re showing up in the world saying to yourself,

“Man, I’m tired. I had a long day. I don’t have any energy.”

You’re going to get gassed out QUICKLY, just because of how you’re showing up mentally.

Because ultimately your mindset is going to affect your physiology,

And your physiology is going to affect your cardio.

If you show up with the belief that this is going to give you energy,

You’ll have a completely different result just with that little mindset shift.

There are lots of daily practices to boost your mindset that we go over the best ones in the program.

Either way you’ve got to start there, you’ve got to start with your mindset.

Because that’s where everything else starts.

What you believe of yourself, and what you expect, is going to dictate the outcome.

When you do this, when you boost your mindset, you’ll boost your cardio.



Your nutrition has a MAJOR effect on your cardio. Obviously, right?

Well I guess it’s not, otherwise everyone would have good cardio.

Do you think that, as long as you’re not overweight, you can get away with eating whatever?

Even if you’re not overweight, something is going to be affected by what you eat.

If your nutrition is not dialed in, it’s going to affect you in one way or another.

It’s not only what you eat, but it’s also when you eat, and how you eat.

Two people, identical twins, same genes, same hormonal responses to food,

Can eat the same exact thing at different times in a different way, and it’s going to have a different effect.

One can MASSIVELY improve their cardio just by changing how and when they eat.

This is HUGE.

That means even if you’re eating “healthy” food...

(What does “healthy” even mean, right? Healthy compared to what?)

... if you’re not eating in healthier ways at healthier times, you’re not going to see the best results.

And that’s another reason why the whole “calories in, calories out” that we talked about before is NONSENSE,

Because even if you had the perfect measurement, and you dialed in the perfect equation of WHAT you’re eating,

It doesn’t take into account HOW and WHEN you’re eating.

When you get this right, when you do this, you’re cardio will be boosted THROUGH THE ROOF,

AND, you will no longer get those energy slumps throughout your day.



Everybody breathes. But not everybody breathes properly.

We know that breathing is the most VITAL aspect of life.

We can go without food for weeks, even months in certain situations,

We can go without water for days,

But the most trained individuals can only survive without air for MINUTES.

If you don’t breathe properly and if you don’t use these strategies,

You’ll constantly be going through life on your last leg,

You’ll find yourself laying, sprawled out on the mats after a movement session, heavy breathing with your arms over head, gassed out, sweating like crazy,

Or at a competition, feeling half dead after your match, barely able to get up and shake your opponent’s hand.

If you do this right, you can boost your energy at ANYTIME.

Moving through life without using these techniques and these strategies is just going to drain you...

Physically... mentally... emotionally...

However using these 3 strategies, ALONE, will boost your cardio.

These are the first 3 things I walk my clients through and it produces MASSIVE results, quickly.

Then we get into more advanced techniques, after you have this foundation set, that SKYROCKETS your cardio even more.

To the point where you’re after finishing your getting up ready for the next one instead of gasping for air, needing to get some water, and taking mini naps on the mats.

So if you’re struggling with this and you’re tired of always being so damn tired, then reach out because I’d be happy to help.

Click that link to book a call, fill out the form afterwards, and we’ll talk for about 45 minutes and discover how you can breakthrough any barriers holding you back.

We’ll find out exactly what’s slowing you down, what’s stopping you in your tracks, and then we’ll talk about where you want to be and how you can get there.

Because I know that’s not a fun place to be stuck, I’ve been there. I used have asthma, and I can tell you not being able to breathe SUCKS.

So if you’re ready to do something about it, if you’re ready to get unstuck, then book a call and we’ll talk about how you can do that.

Talk soon,
