May this be the last time you ever “diet”...

(Taking a sip of a local ale as I type this…)

Have you tried dieting with no success?

You’ve probably tried to eat food that you really don’t like, in the name of “health”.

Or maybe you’ve tried to count calories and portion control.

Or you tried this fad diet, and that fad diet…

There’s a reason why those never work.

It’s simple.

If you don’t enjoy what you eat, you’re not going to be able to sustain it.

And there’s no sense in counting or portion controlling anything if you have a growling stomach.

Your body is giving you hunger signals for a reason. (Hint: it’s not getting what it needs!)

… and no, I’m not saying it needs beer ;)

If you’ve invested time & money into any dieting dogma or weight loss program, you know that most of them don’t work.

Most of the time the programs you invest in don’t work because they only give information, and that’s not what you need.

We live in the Age of Information, so there is NO SHORTAGE of information out there.

But there IS a shortage of transformation, of RESULTS.

And the only results that do happen are flash-in-the-pan results that don’t last longer than a month or two.

If pretty clear that most things out there aren’t working.

The amount of people obese today is growing to over 40%! And overweight peopleamount for over 70% of us!

That’s unheard of! That’s unfathomable!

No other species, no other time, has ever been this unhealthy.

How about you?

How much weight have you lost from reading that article? Or that book?

From watching that video? Or listening to that podcast?

If all you needed was information you would be in the BEST shape of your life right now, but you’re not.

And I’ll be the first to tell you, it’s NOT YOUR FAULT.

But it is your responsibility, and your choice.

You choose whether you want to take action to get into the best shape of your life or not.

You choose whether you want to sustain it or not.

You can decide to ignore this warning, and just continue on the path your on now...

That keeps the weight slowly creeping on, month after month, year after year...

And everyday you wait, is another day you have to struggle to get back to where you want to be.

It compounds and gets worse and worse. It gets harder and harder to reverse the damage.

Until eventually you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s and don’t know what to do.

If you decide not to take action now, it’s likely you never will.

And I’m not trying to scare you. That’s just how it goes.

History shows there’s no better time than now to claim your dream.

Just like the two guys in that photo I shared in our Facebook Tribe the other day: Same age. One fit, one obese.

Which would you rather look like?

And when I say “look”, it’s not just about looks.

It's about your ability to train Jiu Jitsu without being winded.

It's about your freedom of movement!

It’s also about how you feel. You know damn well that the fit guy feels better day to day.

And if you feel better, you will show up better in every area of life.

And when you show up better, you will have a better quality of life.

The compound effect goes both ways.

You just have to decide which one you’d rather have.

Which way you’d rather go. Which life you’d rather live.

And there is no wrong answer, it’s just a choice. And you have to decide.

If you are ready to take the path towards cultivating confidence, clarity, and strength, to becoming a man, and you see this as a simple decision, then go ahead and book a call  so we can talk about getting you there.

If you’re just looking for a quick, cheap fix, don’t waste your time or mine. That’s NOT what I’m offering.

I’m offering a sustainable solution, a lifetime transformation to those who are committed and have the right motivations.

If you just want to look good for selfish reasons, you can stop reading this and just go ahead and unsubscribe now.

If you want to look good, because you know that will be the RESULT of feeling good, and that will be the EFFECT of a better life, for you AND those you reach...

Then let’s talk about it so I can see if we’re a good fit to work together, and if we are, I’ll definitely help you get there.

To do that, just click this link, pick a time that works for you, and fill out the form after so we can get the most out of the call for you.

We’ll talk for about 45 minutes at the time you choose and get clear on exactly what’s keeping you stuck where you are right now, where you really want to be, and the action steps you need to take for you to get there.

And please, if you’re not committed to reaching the next levels of your health, fitness, and life -- don’t waste my time or yours. I don’t need any dabblers or tire kickers.

If you are committed, and you are ready to take it to the next level, step-by-step until you reach your peak potential as a man, and you are willing to help others around you when you do so, then I’m looking forward to talking with you.

Here's that link again.

Talk soon,
