“Cover the earth before it covers you.”
— Dagobert Runes
Functional Movement VS Practical Movement: Workout Case Study
What’s the difference between functional movement and practical movement? Simply put, practical movement has a direct and clear purpose that is relevant and/or useful to life. Functional movement can be great, for sure (e.g. specific conditioning benefits, training unconventionally, etc.), but the practical purpose isn’t always clear...
How to Perform the Bent Sit to Deep Squat Get Up
The Bent Sit to Deep Squat Get Up will not only help you stand up from a seated position quickly without needing to use your hands, it will also help you improve your strength and mobility as well...
Life Got You in a Guillotine Choke?
I learned a lesson while rolling the other day that I wanted to share with you, and it relates very much to life.
(There are a ton of insights to be learned from Jiu Jitsu, when looked at with a bigger picture view...)
So I was rolling with my professor and I got caught in a DEEP Guillotine Choke.
Anyone who has been there knows, that’s not a good situation to be in,
But I remembered this specific strategy to defend against it...
Beginner MovNat Combo Workout On The Beach In Bali
The beauty of a MovNat Combo Workout is you’re able to get a lot of work done in a short period of time. Not only will you get a great workout to help you burn fat, build muscle, and improve your overall fitness, you’ll also get a chance to improve your movement skills in a short practice session...
Intermediate MovNat Combo Workout On The Beach In Bali
If the Beginner Variation was easy, here's how to take it to the next level:
Here are some suggestions for increasing the challenge based on MovNat’s VIC protocol (Volume, Intensity, Complexity)...
Hidden Jiu Jitsu Your Life
I was just training with a friend the other day and we were talking about Hidden Jiu Jitsu.
If you don’t know anything about Hidden/Invisible Jiu Jitsu, it’s basically a set of principles and details of techniques that most people don’t see or know about, but make a HUGE difference.
If you have felt the hidden details before, you know just how powerful they are.
Take alavanca (leverage), for example, everyone knows it’s invisible to the eye but impossible to resist.
Now imagine having the details for every technique that actually use the principle of alavanca...
5 Unique Ways You Can Move With Xero Shoes
Everyone knows you can run efficiently with Xero Shoes since they don’t change the shape of your foot, and therefore allow your foot to use its natural function. And of course, many people are doing yoga in them. I mean, they’re the next best thing to being barefoot, why wouldn’t you?
That’s not what I’m going to share with you today though. Today I’m going to share with you five DIFFERENT ways you can move in your Xero Shoes...
Why Tips & Tricks Are BS
I had some thoughts to share with you about something that I see way too often…
People going around looking for the next tip to make them healthy,
Or the next trick to get them fit...
Advanced MovNat Combo Workout For Exploring Your Environment
How about a challenging Natural Movement workout to help you up your game?
Here’s an advanced level MovNat Combo Workout, which will give you some ideas for finding movement opportunities in the environment around you...
The Truth About Motivation
Here's the truth...
You’re never going to feel like it,
You’re never going to have enough time,
You’re never going to have enough money,
Until you CHOOSE to...
MovNat Intermediate Combo Workout – Vol. 1
Want to learn how to combine natural movements into a challenging, full body workout?
Here’s an intermediate-level MovNat Combo Workout, which will help you break a sweat and transform your body while you’re improving your natural movement skills...
How to Bounce Back After Tough Trainings
Have you been wondering this?
Why are some people are out for days after training?
And some people can train twice a day no problem?
What are they doing to recover so quickly?
What are you NOT doing that’s stalling your progress so much?
Should You Really Stretch More?
I get these questions and see statements like these, A LOT:
“What stretches should I do?” or “I think I need to stretch more”.
It’s a common misconception, to think stretching is going to solve all of your problems...
Why New Years Resolutions Fail
It’s that time of year again...
Everywhere I go, everywhere I look, I see and hear people everywhere saying,
“New year, new me!”
Declaring all these changes that they are going to make on some arbitrary calendar day,
They think magically when they ball drops that they’re going to be a new person.
It’s a common trap many people get caught in...
How to Return from the Holidays Better Than Ever
I don’t know about you, but I was glad to be back on the mats after the holidays,
I did notice something though, which inspired this post:
That some people come back better, and some people come back worse after a break,
Have you noticed this in yourself? Which one are you?
Are You Eating Ass-Backwards?
This might sound weird but,
I see this all the time. Especially around the holiday season...
People eating ass-backwards...
(I double checked the punctuation. It’s still grosser than you think…)
Somewhere in the latest trend of “health & fitness” people became infected with this idea...
3 Ways to Boost Your Cardio
Today we’re going to be talking about something that I know many people are struggling with...
I see it in the comments of our Facebook Tribe.
I see it on the mats everyday,
I even see it off of the mats in everyday life...
Do You Need Supplements?
I’ve been getting these questions a lot lately…
‘What supplements do you recommend?’
‘What should I take for X, Y, and Z?’
‘Do I even need supplements?’
All great questions, and there’s a lot of confusion in this area, so let’s demystify it right now...
What's Really Holding You Back?
Let me ask you...
What’s really holding you back?
Is it your injuries? Is it that you’re overweight? Is it that you’re too stiff? Is it that you’re always fatigued?
I’m here to help you realize today that, it’s NONE of those things...
Calories In, Calories Out?
There’s a myth that’s spread around the health & fitness realm of “calories in, calories out”.
Should you count calories, or not?
If I were to give you a simple, one-worded answer, it would be…
Millionaire Working for Minimum Wage?
Imagine this…
A man who’s been working hard and saving up his WHOLE life.
His savings steadily grow, year after year, until he’s reached his 30’s, 40’s, maybe even 50’s.
He’s accumulated so much wealth over time that he’s a millionaire now,
But he doesn’t realize how much he’s worth...
The Big 3 for True Strength
Every man wants to be strong, right?
Well, strong for what?
I know people that are strong couch-sitters; they could out sit me any day of the week...
OK then, let’s be more specific...
How to Recover from and Prevent Injuries
This is getting out of hand.
So many Jiu Jitsu practitioners are injured, have been injured, or are going to be injured.
And if you have been injured already, you are likely to be re-injured.
Unless you change something now...
The Death of Dieting
May this be the last time you ever “diet”...
(Taking a sip of a local ale as I type this…)
Have you tried dieting with no success?
You’ve probably tried to eat food that you really don’t like, in the name of “health”...
The Difference Between Failure And Success
There's a really important distinction I'd like for you to understand...
The difference between failing and succeeding in ANYTHING in life comes down to a mindset.
The mindset of either being interested or being committed to the outcome...
“It’s Expensive to Eat Healthy”
Can you believe this?
I had a talk with someone recently who has spent upwards of $100,000 in sick care ALREADY.
This isn’t a rare thing either, it’s actually pretty common today.
Many people are spending thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars being unhealthy and unfit...
What's your Motivation?
I asked this question the other day in our Facebook Tribe, because I really want to know...
Why do you train?
There was a good variety of answers on that post, and I want to thank you all for your input.
Why do I ask? Because you need to have a WHY for whatever you do in life...
Stretching is WEAK!
Literally… and I can prove it...
Unless you have goals to touch your nose to your toes, you’re WASTING your time. And you are likely doing more harm than good.
You DO NOT need to stretch for Jiu Jitsu, running, lifting, nor any practical skills for that matter.
However, all of these things DO require mobility...
Is This The Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight?
Hope this isn't too "heavy"...
Are you part of the majority of the population that has trouble shedding extra body fat?
Have you tried exercising it away, but still have more than a few pounds to go?
Maybe you lost some weight, then gained it back?
Endurance - Do You Have It?
Do you have it?
Can you go the extra mile? Can you roll another round? Can you even finish this one without running out of breath?
Is it something that you think will improve by just doing more cardio?
Or do you wonder if there other things that can help you make leaps & bounds in your progress?
Mobility Is Crucial
Have you ever went to pull off a movement and realized that your body just doesn’t move that way anymore?
Even worse is when you know exactly what you need to do while playing for fun or for sport, and in the moment your body just says...
“Nope, not happening…”
*Shit!* Sucks, right?
Well you know what, this can be FATAL to your sport/hobby, your career, and your overall enjoyment of movement and life.
Unless you do something to address it right away...